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Man with significant driving record, and multiple previous suspensions, escapes suspension

Our client, a 55-year-old man, was charged with driving while suspended, driving without proper control of a vehicle, and leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging particulars. When returning from work, our client noticed that his dog had escaped his yard. Terrified that the dog was in danger of being injured or stolen, he made the regretful decision to drive while his license was suspended, and while stopped at lights rolled into the car in front.

Following entering early guilty pleas, we made submissions to the Court in relation to our client’s dire need for a license to earn an income and other subjective circumstances. The Court accepted our client’s guilty plea, however, did not proceed to recording a conviction and placed our client on a good behaviour bond for 18 months. As a result, our client avoided any further suspension periods and was able to continue driving.

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