Recent Personal Injury Cases
Coutts Leading the Way in Police Compensation Claims
Over the past year, Coutts has achieved remarkable success in assisting police officers with compensation claims. Read More.
Workers Compensation Treatment Expenses Reinstated
A lady who suffered a physical injury to her shoulder was denied secondary psychological treatment. Read More.
Sham Contracts
A man was injured in the course of his employment. He operated under an ABN and contracted only to one company as a courier. Read More.
Workers Compensation Claim Denied Liability
A worker was denied liability on the provision of s11A of the Workers Compensation Act 1987. Read More.
IRO Grants at 100%
Coutts Personal Injury Lawyer Karena Nicholls is an approved IRO Lawyer. She has gained grants in 100% of her applications to IRO. Read More.
Worker receives back pay for time off work
A dispute arose in relation to entitlements to workers compensation following an investigation into conduct directed by the employer. Read more.
Client Receives $160,000 in damages
Our client injured herself in a restaurant suffering a significant shoulder injury. We were able to argue that the Civil Liability Act provision of “obvious risk” was not a Defence to the claim. Read more.
A Slip and Fall results in $150,000 payout
Our client suffered a slip and fall at a restaurant. She injured her right shoulder and required surgery. Read more
Common Law Negligence
Our client suffered a psychological injury at work arising from bullying and harassment and made a claim for permanent impairment under s66 & s67 of the Workers Compensation Act 1987. Read more
Client Receives $500,000 in Compensation
Our client was injured at work and made a workers compensation claim. He exceeded the 15% whole person impairment and was entitled to claim in negligence (AKA work injury damages). Our client had suffered significant psychological injury and was not able to return to his role. Read more
$1.5 Million Compensation Claimed for A Workplace Accident
Our client was a coal miner who suffered injury at work both physical and secondary psychological. He was unable to return to work and had extensive treatment and rehabilitation. Read more
$300,000 Compensation Claimed for Back & Neck Injury
Our client injured his back and neck at work. He was able to return to his role part-time and received over $300,000 in compensation for loss of opportunity to earn due to the injury. Read More
Amputee Scores Significant Personal Injury Compensation for “Impossible” Case
It’s not every day that a client tells their lawyer they will be “friends for life”. But that’s exactly what happened to Coutts Partner, Karena Nicholls, following a legal triumph that defied expectations. Read more