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Recent Family Law Cases

Property Settlement Proceedings

Luisa’s client is in a de facto relationship with a person who is going through property settlement proceedings with his ex-wife. Our client recently purchased a property in her sole name, using funds that she had at the commencement of her de facto relationship, funds gifted to her by her mother and savings that she has accumulated throughout her de facto relationship. Read more.

Coutts Exceeds Client Expectations and Secures Favourable Outcome For Client After 12-Year Separation

Our client and his former wife were separated for 12 years before seeking legal advice from Coutts. During that time, our client continued to make mortgage repayments on the former matrimonial home while his former wife exclusively lived in the home. Read more

Costs awarded to our client after the Father of her children failed to attend court on 2 separate occasions

Luisa has appeared in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia on two separate occasions for a Mother who is the Respondent to Parenting proceedings initiated by the Father. Read more

Final Orders amended following Contravention

Lara’s client, a Mum of two children, had a Contravention Application filed against her, alleging seven counts of contravening Final Court Orders. Read more

Interstate Child Relocation

Luisa’s client, a father of two children had an informal agreement with the Mother to spend equal time with the children. Read more

Family Law Case Study: Awarti*

The case involved a complex parenting and property dispute that required a final hearing initially set for seven days but was successfully settled in just three. Our client received a 65/35 split in her favour, a fantastic outcome that reflected her contributions to the family and ensuring that the best interests of the children were prioritised at all times. Read more.