Coutts Exceeds Client Expectations and Secures Favourable Outcome For Client After 12-Year Separation
Our client and his former wife were separated for 12 years before seeking legal advice from Coutts. During that time, our client continued to make mortgage repayments on the former matrimonial home while his former wife exclusively lived in the home. After unsuccessful initial negotiations between Lara and the wife’s Lawyer, it was agreed that the parties would attend mediation.
During mediation, Lara efficiently and succinctly advocated for our client, and was able to secure a favourable outcome for our client which was over 6% above the client’s expectations. Lara used the remaining mediation time to draft the required documents, and both parties signed. The documents were then filed with the Court the following day to ensure a swift resolution of the matter, after a long 12 years.

Contact us today to chat about your Family Law matters.