Did you know you can conduct a free online search to find out your unimproved land value?
What is your unimproved land value? Your unimproved land value is the value of the land excluding any structural improvements as determined by the Valuer General for rating and tax purposes.
It is simple and easy to find.
Just visit NSW’s Valuer General and enter your Property Number in the search box. A land value report will then generate.
As well as disclosing the net land value for the property (or in the case of an apartment or townhouse the strata unit land value), the report also discloses other information about the property including the area, dimensions and zoning.
Don’t know your Property Number? You can conduct a property address enquiry via this link, all you need to know is the address of the property. Click on the link, enter the address of the property and perform the search. This search will provide you with the Property Number.
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Melina has over 9 years of experience as a Licensed Conveyancer, acting for client matters involving; purchase and sale of residential and commercial property, Retirement Village Contracts, Put & Call Options, Call Options, and Family Transfers. She is passionate about helping a wide range of clients across all aspects of the buying and selling process and ensuring that her clients meet all their legal obligations.
For further information please don’t hesitate to contact:
Melina Maiolo
Licensed Conveyancer & JP
1300 268 887
Contact Our Coutts today.
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